Teacher Supervision

Lisa Sutcliffe
Lisa Sutcliffe
  • Updated

The Teacher Supervision module enables you to manage cover in an easy, clear and concise manner. You no longer need to print off slips or class lists (although you may like to print off a photo lists for relief teachers that are unfamiliar with your students). As you will be entering teacher absence through the staff overview, the information will go through to payroll for you thus eliminating more paperwork. Be aware that for this module to work you do need a timetable sitting in FACTS.

Staff Absence Entry

Staff overview > Staff Absences Entry - Bulk

Click on the shortcut to 'Staff Absences Entry - Bulk' in the Absences section.

You can select staff members via the tagset

Or you can add them individually via the main page.

1. Start typing in the teacher's name and then click to select the teacher
2. Alternatively you can use the staff tagset
3. You may have a variety of staff absent for a variety of reason so you can untick or tick the teachers as you need to.

The next step is to enter the dates, days and reason. Then click on save. The teachers selected will be listed as processed.

1. Dates from and to of the absence. Will default to the current date.
2. Enter the number of days absent
3. Type in a reason eg: illness, school camp etc
4. Save.

Identifying classes to cover

Timetable Overview > Manage Supervisions

Click on the 'Manage Supervisions' shortcut in the Management > Timetables section.

The absences you entered will appear upon searching the correct date

1. To and from dates. They will default to the current date.
2.  Select from the drop down the selection that you want. It will default to 'All' but other options are 'None Allocated', 'Partially Allocated' and 'All Allocated'. nb: 'All' is different to 'All Allocated'
3. Click on Search
4. The eye icon, when clicked upon, will show that teacher's classes that need to be covered. Be aware that it will show all classes the teacher has so if the teacher is only away for some of them, only allocate the ones you need.
5. The red circle is showing that the classes have not yet been allocated.

When you have clicked on the edit pencil next to a subject the available teachers will appear in the right hand panel.

1. This will allocate the teacher to a single period
2. This arrow will allocate the teacher to all periods.

1. Upon allocating cover for all a teacher's classes the red circle will be replaced by a green circle.
2. The supervisors name will appear next to the class they are covering.

Should you make a mistake, simply click on the highlighted icon (below) and the supervising teacher will be removed and become available in the right hand panel again.

Timetable Display

The supervising teacher will be able to see the class on their timetable and will be able to access the attendance rolls and coursework from there.




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