POS system investigation

Hi Eveyone,

As the POS module is being decomissioned we are wondering if there is anyone out there who would like to do a collaboration of sorts.


We are investigating the recommended POS systems as well as a couple that are in use by other schools that we know of. What we are finding so far that many do not yet have a integration with Facts directly. 

Would be interested in hearing what other schools in our situation are considering as well as any potential upsides you are hoping for or any deal breakers that you are considering when choosing your next POS system.

Would be happy to work together to test different packages and report back findings in an effort to help everyone get a best fit solution.







  • Comment author
    Jude Connochie

    Hi Haydn

    I am sure we would like to collaborate.  Our Head of IT is on leave at present but I thought I would just flag our interest.

    Jude Connochie - Rangi Ruru Girls' School (j.connochie@rangiruru.school.nz)

  • Comment author
    Southwell School

    That's great news. We have begun our investigation and will have 2 trials on the go by the end of the week. Currently looking at BMonitor and Lightspeed.

    I will fire off an email shortly so you have our details.


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