Enrolment - Best Practice

Simon Breen


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Ben Green

    For capturing student/caregiver addresses and other contact details,
    given that:

    • Enrolment eForms work with 'pre-freedom' family data, and only store a best-fit copy into 'freedom' student/caregiver records;
    • Profile Update (v2) exists and does work directly with 'freedom' records;
    • There's a configuration option to automatically send a profile-update email upon entering an enrolment eForm -

    An approach would be to collect only the bare minimum of contact information on the eForm itself, and instead use Profile Update to collect that.

    Has anyone successfully cut back their enrolment eForm in this way?

    Presumably the eForm would need to ask for at least the name + email address of each caregiver, so that they each get a record created (that can then be updated via Profile Update).


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